Stuart Bell

Board Co-Chair and Founder
Stuart Bell is the co-owner of Growing Generations, the largest surrogacy and egg donation company in the United States. Prior to joining Growing Generations, Stuart spent over a decade in executive level positions in both profit and not-for-profit companies. As a writer with a strong emphasis on gay rights issues, his work has appeared in numerous publications over the past 20 years. He is the author of Prayer Warriors, a memoir published in 1999 by Alyson publications. In February, 2008, Stuart and his husband welcomed their son into the world who was conceived through surrogacy and egg donation. He is active as a donor and volunteer with local and national LGBTQ organizations including Human Rights Campaign, Family Equality Council, LA Gay & Lesbian Center and Los Angeles Youth Network. He served for 10 years on the board of the American Fertility Association, 4 of those as co-chair, and sits on the Emeritus Board of Family Equality. A native of Tennessee, Stuart holds a degree in Communications from Middle Tennessee State University, and has lived in Los Angeles since 1992.
“I’ve been involved for the last 25 years as a board member and donor for both local and national LGBTQ non-profits, and I personally feel that Del’s work like Sordid Lives and Southern Baptist Sissies has done more to change the minds of folks and to heal the hearts of others than anything I’ve ever seen.
So, what if we created a non-profit that would support screenwriters and playwrights from the South to do what Del has done all these years - changing minds and healing hearts through the arts with the goal of seeking out and supporting the next generation of LGBTQ voices. This is the first national non-profit that provides a wide array of services to support the artistic voices of those who share stories like Del’s - like ours.”
- Stuart Bell, Founder and Board Co-Chair